Composition of St. John's Wort
St. John's wort vitamin assortment is represented by vitamins A, P, PP and C. Vitamin A is useful for vision, skin and hair. Ascorbic acid affects most body processes, tones and strengthens. The benefits of vitamin C are increased when combined with other vitamins found in St. John's wort herb.
The plant also contains:
- Tannins, which act as astringents and antibacterial agents
- Essential oils and resins with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
- Saponins, phytoncides and trace amounts of alkaloids
Useful Properties of St. John's Wort for Men and Herbal Ingredients:
- Psychoactive substances: hypericin, pseudohypericin, hyperforin, adhyperforin, cineol
- Flavonoids: quercetin, hyperoside, rutin
- Esters of isovaleric acid
- Resins, phytoncides
- Carotenoids, tocopherols
- Ascorbic acids, nicotinic acids
- Vitamins
- Catechins, tannins
- Rutin, saponins, hyperoside
The medicinal properties of St. John's wort on the male body are due to its high content of antispasmodic, psychoactive and antibacterial components.
Healing Properties Of St. John's Wort
- St. John's wort can help fight inflammatory conditions of the prostate gland.
- Metabolic and diuretic. The herb helps reduce swelling of the prostate, stimulates metabolic processes, as well as blood circulation in the prostate area.
- It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Active substances from St. John's wort inhibit the activity of Gram-positive bacteria: streptococci, staphylococci, bacilli.
- Regenerates. Inflammatory processes damage prostate tissues, St. John's wort accelerates their healing.
The herb also helps get rid of diseases that often accompany prostatitis: colitis, nephritis, cystitis.
How St. John's Wort Affects Potency
The positive effect of St. John's wort on potency is due to its pronounced antidepressant effect. Sexual attraction is directly dependent on emotional state. Long cycles of antidepressants have side effects:
- Weight gain
- Decreased potency
- Suppressed emotions
Taking medications based on St. John's wort does not cause such pronounced negative reactions or harm the libido. The herb normalizes the emotional background, improves mood and elevates overall body tone.
St. John's wort herb lowers estrogen levels by speeding up metabolism. The herb is useful for men whose libido is suppressed by excess female sex hormones. This is typical for those suffering from abdominal obesity. The fat layer on the abdomen acts as an endocrine organ, capturing testosterone and converting it into estrogen.
How does obesity affect potency in men?
St. John's Wort herb is useful for erections. The active substances contained in it relax smooth muscle fibers, dilating the lumen of blood vessels. This property is important for men with vascular erectile dysfunction.
Benefits of St. John's Wort For Men over 45
- Prevention and treatment of genitourinary and prostate diseases.
- Reduce symptoms of midlife crisis. St. John's wort herb acts as a mild antidepressant.
- Reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
When is St. John's Wort Indicated?
The use and contraindications are based on the unique properties of the plant. The herb is highly sought after in traditional medicine and pharmacy because of its distinct beneficial properties:
- Antibacterial activity thanks to the content of tannins, essential oils, ascorbic and nicotinic acids;
- To provide the antiseptic effect necessary for the treatment of skin from burns and other wounds;
- The anti-inflammatory effect is particularly effective when used internally for mouthwash and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases;
- Tea and oil are used for sedation due to the presence of hypericin in the composition, which has pronounced antidepressant properties;
- Rapid recovery with internal use of grass after treatment and elimination of neuralgic pain;
- Body renewal and improved vision thanks to its carotene content;
- St. John's Wort decoction effectively stimulates capillary blood flow;
- St. John's wort tea is good for eliminating joint pain symptoms and strengthening the body's musculoskeletal system.
The effectiveness is based on an optimal ratio of nutrients and trace elements and is widely used in various branches of medicine and cosmetology.
Contraindication For Using St. John's Worth
The following contraindications exist when using St. John's wort extract or another form of plant release:
- The presence of hypertension (high blood pressure);
- Concurrent use of antibiotics, medications used to treat heart disease, and contraceptives;
- Heavy exposure to ultraviolet rays (sunburn in the open sun or in a tanning bed);
- Pregnancy and lactation;
- Age category for children up to 12 years (except for baths with St. John's wort broth);
- Severe prostatitis;
Chemical Constituents and Active Ingredients
The active ingredients are found in all parts of the plant except the root. Therefore, the root of St. John's wort is not used for medicinal purposes. The decoction of this plant has a pleasant taste and retains absolutely all the beneficial properties of St. John's wort, especially very good for health after 50-60 years.
Hypericum includes:
- Vitamin complex (Niacin, E, A, C)
- Nicotinic acid
- Flavonoids
- Tannins
- Vitamin C
- Essential oil
- Isovaleric acid
- Carbohydrates
- Saponins
- Carotenoids
- Macro- and microelements
- Cetyl alcohol
- Alkaloids
All of these ingredients provide fluid metabolism at the intercellular level, activate mental activity and stimulate metabolism in the human body. Many doctors recommend teenagers to take St. John's wort decoction while studying. It helps fight overwork and activates concentration.
Description and Habitat
St. John's wort herb (hypericum in Latin) belongs to the St. John's wort family (Hypericaceae). It grows wild in Montana among other states.
This perennial herbaceous plant is distributed almost everywhere. It prefers the edges of coniferous forests, sunny clearings, meadows, found along roadsides, and on the edges of fields. There are several common names for this medicinal plant red herb, yellow St. John's wort, hare's blood, St. John's wort herb, twig.
According to the description, the culture has a strong rhizome. Every year it grows smooth stems with two faces. They branch well, reaching a height of 80 cm, the color of the stems is green, turning into a reddish-brown shade over time. There are 2 longitudinal lines clearly visible on the surface.
The oblong, egg-shaped leaves are dotted with small glands in the form of holes that lead to the epithet perforated. The width of the leaf blades reaches 15 mm, they grow up to 3 cm long.
The small buds have a five-petaled perianth. The petals are golden yellow. They are collected in racemose corymbose inflorescences. St. John's wort herb blooms almost all summer until mid-August. The fruit is a three-walled box with a reticulate surface and containing a large number of seeds.
St. John's wort herb is harvested during the period of intense flowering. The best time is the end of June. Stems, flowers, leaves are used for treatment in folk medicine. The cut off aerial part is tied in small bundles and hung in a dark place.
The room must be well ventilated. Prepared raw materials can be spread in a thin layer on wooden grates. Store dried medicinal herbs in cardboard boxes or bags made of dense textiles.
St. John's Wort Can Alleviate Coughing
The beneficial properties of this herb are amazing. It can be used for both wet and dry coughs – its medicinal properties will help in both cases. Treating cough with this plant allows you to prevent the development of severe forms of the disease in a short time and get the patient back on his feet.
A cough can be caused by a variety of reasons. The most common are colds, runny nose, sore throat. If you do not respond to unpleasant symptom in time, it may result in more serious diseases as bronchitis, pneumonia. The source of cough can also be allergies, ear diseases, gastric reflux, etc. Regardless of what it is caused by, it is important to determine its nature and start the appropriate treatment in time.
St. John's Wort Properties
- Antiseptic
- Antibacterial
- Anti-inflammatory
- Expectorant
- Astringent
- Soothing
- Restorative
- Painkiller
It is worth considering that St. John's wort herb is most often used as a companion. Preparations based on the plant can relieve symptoms and stop the cause of disease. Thanks to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, the herb is able to normalize the condition of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.
St. John's Wort Tincture
St. John's wort tincture contains substances that increase blood pressure and overall body tone. Very often, this plant is used as a natural remedy to treat depression. Dried St. John's wort herb is found in many homeopathic medicines for people struggling with lowered mood and vitality.
St. John's wort essential oil is a powerful m. Therefore, the herb is often used to make tinctures against stomatitis, gingivitis, gingivitis, and sometimes to gargle for lacunar tonsillitis.
St. John's wort is often used in combination with flaxseed oil for subsequent treatment of burns, wounds and abrasions. Consult your doctor before using this remedy, as this prescription can cause individual allergic reactions.
St. John's wort tincture is sometimes drunk for painful and heavy periods. In fact, this plant is able to stop internal bleeding of various kinds, so the effect is not insignificant.
St. John's Wort Used In Cosmetics
In cosmetics, a decoction of 100 grams of St. John's wort per 0.5 liters of boiling water is used as the basis for a rejuvenating and tonic bath. In addition, a Russian (and English) steam bath uses a decoction of St. John's wort by soaking oak brooms in it and simply spraying the radiator. Such a decoction is considered medicinal and helps to cleanse the skin and remove excess fluids from the body.
St. John's Wort For Colds
For colds, a mixture of St. John's wort and linden flowers is used to strengthen immunity and lower the temperature. The herbs are brewed at a ratio of 1 to 1200 g of raw materials per 2 liters of boiling water.
The bitterness of St. John's wort enhances gastric juice secretion and stimulates appetite, which is why St. John's wort tincture is often given to children prone to dystrophy.
Researched Medicinal Properties of St. John's Wort
Fights light to moderate depression
Large literature reviews indicate that St. John's wort is highly effective against depression and various depressive disorders, even when symptoms are severe. American researchers have found that St. John's wort herb (in monotherapy) can significantly reduce symptoms of mild to moderate depression. The herb is comparable to antidepressants in terms of effectiveness.
It should also be noted that St. John's wort herb is less often abandoned than drug treatment in the fight against mental disorders. The medicinal plant is recommended to be taken by all people suffering from depressive disorders and neuroses or having frequent psycho-emotional overload. St. John's wort herb calms the central nervous system and allows for mental well-being.
Helps you sleep
It has been established that St. John's Wort herb normalizes metabolic processes in the brain. The plant improves the emotional background and eliminates the influence of external stress factors.
After taking St. John's wort, sleep comes faster, and accidental awakenings are registered less often. It is important to remember that the plant will not help in organic pathologies of the central nervous system, accompanied by lack of sleep.
Heals damaged skin
Experts confirm the high effectiveness of any St. John's wort-based preparations (ointments, gels, oil extracts, creams) in the treatment of many dermatological conditions. St. John's wort oil can be used to treat bedsores (areas of necrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with prolonged pressure), burns, bruises, and even cuts.
The herb improves arterial and venous blood flow, kills certain pathogenic bacteria and stimulates regeneration. St. John's wort-based preparations have proven successful among athletes whose skin injury is part of life.
Relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome
The period before menstruation is a difficult time in every woman's life. The fair sex experiences many physical symptoms (pain, general malaise, body aches) and mental problems (emotional vacillation).
British experts say that anti-inflammatory substances from St. John's wort help eliminate pain and improve the emotional background, reduce the risk of malfunction of the central nervous system.
Similar results are shown by the work of Italian scientists. Experts note the high effectiveness (compared to placebo and drugs) of the plant and the low risk of side effects. St. John's wort herb before menstruation also eases menstruation. The volume of blood loss and the likelihood of sudden uterine bleeding are reduced.
Effective during menopause
Menopause is the loss of fertility. Hot flashes and sweating, chills, frequent headaches, constant irritability and insomnia, dry skin, and increased fatigue are common. The described healing properties increase the quality and thirst for life, even in such a difficult period.
Fights cancer
Thanks to experiments on rodents, it was found that the introduction of active substances from St. John's wort into the body slows down the development of malignant tumors, prevents metastasis. The effect has been tested for lung cancer. According to scientists, the plant contains hypericin. This substance is capable of destroying cancer cells in the circulatory system.
Experts consider hypericin to be an effective chemotherapeutic agent after surgical or radiation treatment for cancer, as well as the basis for a future cancer drug. St. John's wort herb is recommended for people who have malignant or benign cancers and with an increased risk of developing them.
St. John's wort herb is able to improve microcirculation in the thickness of the skin, activate metabolism, and reduce the risk of acne and other inflammatory processes. These properties positively influence the synthesis of collagen and elastin, key structural proteins responsible for the smoothness and elasticity of the skin.
Folk remedies based on St. John's wort (for topical or internal use) prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the skin of the face and neck, fight stretch marks on the abdomen and hips.
St. John's wort is considered one of the most sought-after herbal medicine products, in addition, it is officially recognized as medicinal and is included in the State Pharmacopoeia of Russia. In addition to the fact that the plant itself has a very beneficial effect on all organs and systems of a person, it is a component of the most popular herbal preparations produced by the domestic pharmaceutical industry.
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