"If it doesn't harm, it doesn't hurt. It is a commonly heard statement in relation to homeopathy. Unfortunately this is not entirely true, because it is quite possible that an allergic reaction occurs, for example. It is therefore wise to always involve a classic homeopath before the treatment. Low-potentiated self-help medication in particular can entail risks. Homeopathy is of great added value only if it is handled with care, because it makes it possible to prevent allergic reactions and other side-effects.
Complaints with self-help products
The use of homeopathy requires sufficient knowledge of the available resources and their use. A wrong strength (potency) can easily lead to problems. If the potency is too low, for example, a remedy is insufficiently diluted, which can lead to annoying complaints. The wrong use of it can also lead to problems. It may be, for example, to use it too often or to use it for too long on the basis of homeopathy. In those cases, nasty complaints can arise. This is especially the case with self-help medicines that are available from the chemist.
We don't all know how to deal with this and in some cases the potential is too low. This can lead to an allergic reaction or other complaints, so it is important not to take advantage of it just like that. Treatment by a classic homeopath is preferable in this respect.
Treatment from a classic homeopath
The classic homeopath has a good knowledge of the means and also ensures a good consultation. For example, it is important to investigate the reason for the visit well. When do the complaints in question occur and how can the influence of the environment be determined? Are there other diseases or complaints and can they possibly be related? By mapping this out properly it is possible to make use of homeopathy and prevent an allergic reaction, for example.
Have you taken any other medications and how did you react to them? This is important information, it can help in finding the most effective drug. The analysis is physical as well as emotional or mental in order to paint the best possible picture.
Good analysis of the situation
Thanks to the proper analysis of the situation, it is possible to identify any risks as well as possible and then respond to them. In this way homeopathy can be of great added value and it is possible to minimize the risk of side effects such as allergic reactions. It helps to ensure that it can contribute to a solution, so that we can ultimately find out whether a treatment contributes to the desired result. A classic homeopath has in-depth knowledge and preferably sufficient extensive experience. In this way you prevent an allergic reaction and homeopathy helps to remedy or prevent complaints.
Read more about homeopathy...
What Is Homeopathy and How Does It Work?
Homeopathy (Old Greek: ὅμοιος, homoios, similar and πάθος, pathos, suffering or disease) is a therapy based on the ideas of the German physician Samuel Hahnemann. The most important of these is the principle of similarity, which means that according to Hahnemann a homeopathic remedy is suitable for the treatment of a disease if the remedy induces the same symptoms of illness in a healthy person as those from which the sick person suffers.
The homeopathic treatment consists of prescribing homeopathics, i.e. potentiations (stepwise strong dilutions in combination with shaking) of substances that in their pure form would evoke the same symptoms as the disease to be fought. Although homeopathy is one of the most researched alternative therapies, the attributed clinical efficacy has not supported by scientific evidence. Homeopathy is therefore considered to belong to the pseudo-sciences by the mainstream medical profession.
The History of Homeopathy
The idea that evil could be eradicated with evil was suggested by Paracelsus in the 16th century. He is known to conclude that the toxicity of a substance is determined by its dose. He also stated that small doses of "what makes man sick, also heals man". This line of thought seems to be continued in homeopathy.
It was the German physician and chemist Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) who laid down the principles of homeopathy and called this systematic method homeopathy in 1807. Hahnemann was partly motivated by the sad state of medical aid in his time, in which, for example, bloodletting was still considered as a treatment. In 1790, while translating A Treatise on Materia Medica by Dr. William Cullen, Hahnemann came across a passage about Cinchona as a cure for malaria. Hahnemann - who had had malaria in his youth - wanted to test Cullens' thesis that the bitter taste of cinchona had an effect on the stomach by taking the substance himself. After ingestion, Hahnemann noticed that he developed symptoms similar to those of malaria. When he stopped ingesting the malaria-like symptoms disappeared again. By ingesting kinabark he made himself seemingly ill.
Here https://floridahealthnews.com/homeopathy/what-is-homeopathy-and-how-does-it-work.html
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